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Marx & Engels Collected Works Volume 16:Marx and Engels 1858-60
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
Lawrence & Wishart 2010
HB ISBN 0853154376
Cost per page: 3p
Volume 16 contains the works of Marx and Engels from August 1858 to February 1860, mostly articles written for the New-York Daily Tribune and the London German-language working-class weekly Das Volk. It also includes Engels' pamphlets Po and Rhine and Savoy, Nice and the Rhine, and his review of Marx's work A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. The articles mostly deal with the views of Marx and Engels on the national democratic movements in Europe and their stand on the issue of the unification of Italy and Germany. They also deal in detail with the home and foreign policy of Britain, France and other states and the colonial policy of the Great Powers.
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