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Marx & Engels Collected Works Volume 17: Marx and Engels 1859-60
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
Lawrence & Wishart 2010
HB ISBN 0853154384
Cost per page: 3p
Volume 17 covers the period from October 1859 to December 1860. The first half of the volume is taken up by the first complete English edition of Marx's polemic Herr Vogt. Seven of Marx's nine declarations and letters to the editors of different newspapers bearing on his polemic against Vogt also appear in English for the first time. The volume contains 35 articles written by Marx and Engels for the New-York Daily Tribune on key issues of European economic which gave particular attention to the rise of the Italian revolutionary movement, the campaigns of Garibaldi and his supporters in Sicily and Southern Italy, the economic position of Britain and other countries, and a critique of the Bonapartist regime in France.
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