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Marx & Engels Collected Works Volume 39: Letters 1852-55
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
Lawrence & Wishart 2010
HB ISBN 0853154600
Cost per page: 3p
Volume 39 contains letters of Marx and Engels from 1852 to 1855. They discuss the political activities of Marx and Engels during the period of political reaction after the defeat of the 1848-49 revolution and the trials undergone during these years by Marx and Engels and their associates. The letters throw light on various aspects of their studies and literary work, including the conception and publishing history of Marx's The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, how Engels' Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany came to be written, and their co-operation as political journalists. The letters give some idea of the extensive contacts that Marx and Engels maintained with proletarian circles in Germany, England, the USA and other countries.
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