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Marx & Engels Collected Works Volume 41: Letters 1860-64
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
Lawrence & Wishart 2010
HB ISBN 0853156174
Cost per page: 3p
Volume 41 contains Marx's and Engels' letters from January 1860 to September 1864, when Marx wrote the second rough draft of Capital (the manuscript of 1861-63), whose complex genesis the letters make it possible to trace stage by stage. The letters also provide an insight into Engels' studies in military theory and the history of warfare, and his work for the New American Cyclopaedia, The Volunteer Journal and the Allgemeine Militär-Zeitung. The volume reflects Marx's and Engels' lively interest in current political affairs, and gives an idea of their work as correspondents of the New-York Daily Tribune and Die Presse. Much of what they discussed in this context was not, for various reasons, incorporated in their published articles.
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