Contents >>
Ellen Wilkinson
From Red Suffragist to Government Minister
Paula Bartley
Pluto Press 2014
HB ISBN 9780745332383
PB ISBN 9780745332376
eISBN 9781783710164
Cost per page: p
Ellen Wilkinson was a key radical figure in the 20th century British socialist and feminist movement, a woman of passionate energy who was involved in most of the major struggles of her time. Born in October 1891 into a working-class textile family, Wilkinson was involved in women’s suffrage, helped found the British Communist Party, led the Labour Party’s anti-fascist campaign, headed the iconic Jarrow Crusade and was the first female Minister of Education. In this lively and engaging biography, Paula Bartley charts the political life of this extraordinary campaigner who went from street agitator to government minister whilst keeping her principles intact.
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