Becoming Arab in London
Performativity and the Undoing of Identity
Ramy M. K. Aly
Pluto Press 2015
HB ISBN 9780745333595
PB ISBN 9780745333588
eISBN 9781783711567
Cost per page: p
This book is the first ethnographic exploration of gender, race and class practices amongst British born or raised Arabs in London. Ramy M.K. Aly looks critically at the idea of 'Arab-ness' and the ways in which ethnic subjects are produced, signified and recited in the city. Looking at everyday spaces, encounters and discourses, the book explores the lives of young people and some of the ways in which they ‘do’ or achieve 'Arab-ness'. Aly’s ethnography uncovers narratives of growing up in London, the codes of sociability at Shisha cafes and the sexual politics and ethnic self-portraits which make British-Arab men and women. Drawing on the work of Judith Butler, Aly emphasises the need to move away from the notion of identity and towards a performative reading of race, gender and class. What emerges is a highly innovative contribution to the study of diaspora and difference in contemporary Britain.
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