Revolutionary Learning
Marxism, Feminism and Knowledge
Sara Carpenter and Shahrzad Mojab
Pluto Press 2017
HB ISBN 9780745336435
PB ISBN 9780745336381
eISBN 9781786800503
Cost per page: p
Revolutionary Learning explores the Marxist and feminist theorisation of dialectics, praxis and consciousness in education and learning. Moving beyond previous books on Marxism and education, this groundbreaking text explores the core philosophical concepts that build the Marxist analysis of learning, extending its critique with significant implications for critical education scholarship, research and practice by drawing upon work by feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial scholars. The authors reconsider the contributions of Marx, Gramsci and Freire to educational theory from an explicitly feminist perspective, moving Marxist analysis of education into a more complex relation to patriarchal and imperialist capitalism. The authors’ distinctive approach moves beyond other Marxian analyses which focus on the reproductive nature of schooling and educational institutions, by expanding theorisation into domains of radical and revolutionary educational praxis. Revolutionary Learning's importance lies not only in its contribution to theory, but its extension into pedagogical practice with special attention to how a revolutionary critique of ideology is taken up by educators in their daily work.
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