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Nearly 200 classic titles are available to read for free from Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Wilkie Collins, Edith Wharton, Joseph Conrad, Oscar Wilde and many others. You can read and search them after logging in. Tick the box in the Register form if you want to read only free titles.
Includes all six volumes of Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire as well as titles from William Morris and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Includes Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, Gilbert White's The Natural History Of Selborne, Alfred Russel Wallace's The Malay Archipelago and titles from Michael Faraday, Charles Lyell, Henri Bergson and other science luminaries.
Classic texts in political economy. Includes the Communist Manifesto and all three volumes of Capital from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Selections from Prison Notebooks and Selections from Cultural Writings by Antonio Gramsci, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith and On Representative Government and The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill.
Published by Electric Book in conjunction with Lawrence & Wishart, this includes almost everything published in English by Antonio Gramsci, one of the 20th century's most profound thinkers in politics and philosphy. It includes Selections from the Prison Notebooks, Selections from Political Writings, 1910-20 and 1921-26 and Selections from Cultural Writings.
Everything written in their lifetime by Marx and Engels. Published in conjunction with Electric Book, these 50 comprehensively annotated titles are a work of profound scholarship. This is an absolutely essential compendium for the serious student.
Titles in politics, sociology and cultural commentary. Include Breaking Up Britain by Mark Perryman, Race Identity and Belonging, edited by Sally Davison and Jonathan Rutherford and Labour Legends and Russian Gold by Kenneth Morgan.
Covers topics such as globalisation, race, gender, families, tourism and human rights as well as anthropology and development.
These titles include analyses of the cultural and political dimensions of media and developments in technology as well as writings on religion, literature, theatre and ideology.
A large number of titles covering almost all aspects of politics and international relations including country and regional studies, historical analyses, philosophy, sociology and ecology. Authors include Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, John Pilger, Susan George, Ziauddin Sardar, Greg Palast, Eduardo Galeano and Vandana Shiva.
Titles from the Tokyo-based United Nations University including studies on agricultural diversity, ecology, global governance, water resource management and democratization.